
26 Assignment 2

* Due between September 29th at 8:30 a.m. and October 13th at 4:30 p.m. *

The assignment is worth 10% of your final grade. Your assignment should be submitted through Moodle.


  • Data, Questions, and Annotated Bibliography [Team] – 10 points

This is a team assignment. Everyone is expected to contribute.

Be sure to keep meeting minutes that clearly describe each team member’s responsibilities. This includes outlining who has agreed to do what, and when everyone has agreed to share work so that it can be collated and prepared for final submission. As a team, you should also consider discussing and documenting the expectations you have of each other. These notes will help you should you have any issues arise throughout the semester.

Submit a short report that answers the following questions:

  • [2%] Clearly state the research questions you will be attempting to answer. This can include questions that go beyond what the community partner has asked you to evaluate. Please note that as the semester progresses, it is possible that your questions might evolve, or you might learn that there is no way you will be able to answer them. That’s fine. We’ll adapt as we learn more.
  • [2%] For each question listed above, identify the data (variables) that you believe you will need to use to answer it. Describe the data as best as you can. Justify your responses.
  • [6%] Provide an annotated bibliography. The annotated bibliography should have at least 10 unique references per team member. The references could include academic research that attempts to
    1. answer similar questions to those you are trying to answer, 2
    2. explain why the research questions you are attempting to answer are valid and important, or
    3. describe methods used to answer the types of questions you are attempting to answer.
  • Be sure to identify how the references were identified (when did you search for them, what specific queries did you use, how many papers were identified by the queries, how did you filter them, etc.). Further, for each paper you’ve included in your annotated bibliography, identify which of the research questions it will support.


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