
27 Assignment 3

* Due between October 20th at 8:30 a.m. and November 3rd at 4:30 p.m. *

The assignment is worth 10% of your final grade. Your assignment should be submitted through Moodle.


  • Methods [Team] – 10 points

This is a team assignment. Everyone is expected to contribute.

Be sure to keep meeting minutes that clearly describe each team member’s responsibilities. This includes outlining who has agreed to do what, and when everyone has agreed to share work so that it can be collated and prepared for final submission. As a team, you should also consider discussing and documenting the expectations you have of each other. These notes will help you should you have any issues arise throughout the semester.

Submit a written report that answers the following questions:

  • [2%] Identify the top 3 to 5 questions that you are going to be answering, and the data you will use to answer them. Note: The questions don’t all have to be “big” questions. You can start off with simple questions that build to more complex ones. Let the questions you answer tell a story.
  • [8%] Describe the methods that will be used to answer each of the questions. Explicitly state the data that will be used for each method. Be sure to discuss the methods from the point of view of the data. That is, do the data meet the assumptions of the methods you have selected? You do not need to explain the math behind the methods (at this point). You simply need to convince the reader that the method is appropriate to answer the question and given the data you have on hand. Be sure to use appropriate references from the literature. That is, consider which methods have been used for these or similar types of data by other researchers.


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