24 Term Project
This semester you will work in teams of 3 (minimum) or 4 (maximum) students to address challenges posed by our community partner. The community partner will share their data and research questions with you at the beginning of the semester and will be available to answer questions as the semester proceeds.
As part of this work, you will need to demonstrate mastery of some of the methods you’ve learned about in class. You are also allowed to introduce other methods that you learn from academic literature (or textbooks) if those methods are appropriate for the data, and if those methods will allow you to address the community partner’s challenge.
You are also, as a group, allowed to identify unique research questions that you believe might be of interest to the community partner.
As members of this class, it is a privilege to work with community partners. As such, I expect that you behave in a respectful and professional manner in all communications with them.
The term project has been divided into 5 different assignments. The first assignment will task you with completing a short ethics course. Assignments 2 and 3 will help you to identify the data you are going to work with, the specific questions you will attempt to answer, and the methods you will use to do so. Finally, assignments 4 and 5 will focus on mobilizing your results in the form of a presentation and a R Shiny (or Python) dashboard.
A sample dashboard that I created during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic can be found here.