
Other Open Textbooks Produced With Rebus Community Support

Financial-Strategy-Ebook-Cover-200x300Financial Strategy for Public Managers[1] (Sharon Kioko and Justin Marlowe): University of Washington professors Sharon Kioko and Justin Marlowe used Pressbooks to create a book for students in Master of Public Administration programs. One of many projects of the Rebus Community, this textbook has been designed to serve as the core text for a comprehensive introductory graduate or advanced undergraduate course on public financial management. Kioko and Marlowe have collaborated with the Rebus Community to use this book as a test-case for accessibility and inclusive design in open textbooks.

Cover-Media-Innovation-Entrepreneurship-smMedia Innovation & Entrepreneurship[2] (Edited by Michelle Ferrier & Elizabeth Mays): More than 20 authors and numerous reviewers including student beta testers were involved in the making of this open textbook project led by co-editors Michelle Ferrier, a former associate dean at Ohio University and Elizabeth Mays, an adjunct faculty at Arizona State University, with support from the Rebus Community. The editors sought to fill a gap in resources for the growing number of faculty who teach media innovation, journalism entrepreneurship, and the business of journalism in journalism and mass communications programs.

Lit-Reviews-Ebook-Cover-smLiterature Reviews for Education & Nursing Graduate Students[3] (Linda Frederiksen, Sue F. Phelps): This book from authors Linda Frederiksen and Sue F. Phelps, librarians at Washington State University, helps students recognize the significant role the literature review plays in the research process and prepare them for the work that goes into writing one. Students learn how to form a research question, search existing literature, synthesize results, and write the review. Literature Reviews for Education and Nursing Graduate Students also contains examples, checklists, supplementary materials, and additional resources. It was built with support from Rebus Community.

Am-Lit-Temp-Cover2smThe Open Anthology of Earlier American Literature[4] (Timothy Robbins, Editor): Timothy Robbins of Graceland University built upon Robin DeRosa’s popular Open Anthology of Earlier American Literature in this community-built work-in-progress supported by the Rebus Community. “My own ‘American Literature to 1900’ course charts some of the various, often contentious stories of “American” culture’s movements towards inclusion, emancipation, and equality across those four centuries of coverage,” he says. “The sections track roughly chronologically and feature representative authors and texts. Indigenous creation stories confront European colonial documents; the early texts of New England’s Puritan pulpits are met and challenged by the voices and pens of native peoples, African slaves, and women writers. The American Revolution gives way to an explosion of social movements and an expansion of the canon stretching from Thomas Paine’s republican propaganda to the birth of African-American letters in Phillis Wheatley. The selections from the early nineteenth century include the familiar names of the ‘American Renaissance’—Emerson, Poe, Hawthorne, Whitman, Melville—in tandem with the literature of abolitionism. The post-Civil War sections aim to balance the significant social writings of the Gilded Age and Reconstruction era with the emergence of realist fiction.”

Blueprint for Success[5] (Dave Dillon): A free, Open Educational Resource, Blueprint for Success in College and Career is a students’ guide for classroom and career success. This text, designed to show how to be successful in college and in career preparation, focuses on study skills, time management, career exploration, health, and financial literacy.

The Blueprint for Success series comprises three books for the College Success and FYE (First-Year Experience) genre. The central text, Blueprint for Success in College and Career, is designed to show how to be successful in college and in career preparation. In addition, targeted sections on Study Skills and Time Management, and Career and Decision Making are available separately as Blueprint for Success in College: Indispensable Study Skills and Time Management Strategies[6], and Blueprint for Success in Career Decision Making[7]. All have been peer-reviewed by an experienced team.

Antología abierta de literatura hispánica[8] (Julie Ann Ward):Una antología crítica de textos literarios del mundo hispanohablante. Se enfoca en autores canónicos y también se intenta incluir voces marginadas. Cada texto tiene una introducción y anotaciones creadas por estudiantes. // A critical anthology of literary texts from the Spanish-speaking world. A focus on canonical authors and an attempt to include voices that have been marginalized. Each text includes an introduction and annotations created by students. You can also contribute to the expansion of this text by having your students contribute! Find out more about implementing the assignment[9].

The Science of Human Nutrition[10] (University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Food Science and Human Nutrition Program): This peer-reviewed textbook serves as an introduction to nutrition for undergraduate students and is the OER textbook for the FSHN 185 The Science of Human Nutrition course at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa. The book covers basic concepts in human nutrition, key information about essential nutrients, basic nutritional assessment, and nutrition across the lifespan.

Authoring Open Textbooks[11] (Melissa Falldin and Karen Lauritsen): This guide is for faculty authors, librarians, project managers and others who are involved in the production of open textbooks in higher education and K-12. Content includes a checklist for getting started, publishing program case studies, textbook organization and elements, writing resources and an overview of useful tools.


If you are planning on adopting or adapting any of these open textbooks, please let us know[12]!

  1. https://press.rebus.community/financialstrategy/
  2. https://press.rebus.community/media-innovation-and-entrepreneurship/
  3. https://press.rebus.community/literaturereviewsedunursing/
  4. https://press.rebus.community/openamlit/
  5. https://press.rebus.community/blueprint2/
  6. https://press.rebus.community/blueprint1/
  7. https://press.rebus.community/blueprint3/
  8. https://press.rebus.community/aalh/
  9. https://projects.rebus.community/resource/wtR1EipwAKtTRVpviKmmkZ/expanding-the-anthology
  10. http://pressbooks.oer.hawaii.edu/humannutrition/
  11. https://press.rebus.community/authoropen/
  12. https://goo.gl/forms/Je9v8V30F3u4hkKg2


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Making Open Textbooks with Students [Canadian Edition] Copyright © 2017 by Rebus Community is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.