Book Title: Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) 2023: A global perspective of business innovations and the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Authors: Amelia Naim Indrajaya; Anjali Chaudhry; Ferdinand Niyimbanira; Isabel Rodriguez-Tejedo; Mary Ragui; Romina Hosseingholizadeh; Ruben Burga; and Yang Hoong

Cover image for Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) 2023: A global perspective of business innovations and the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Book Description: A collection of student reflections on business innovations and their links to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Students from Canada, the USA, Indonesia, Spain, South Africa, and Kenya reflect on local businesses and the SDGs and on their collective and individual experiences of working in global teams in the Fall semester of 2023 using the Collaborative Online Interanational Learning (COIL) framework.

Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial


Book Information

Book Description

This is an Open Educational Resource (OER) collection of student reflections on business innovations and their links to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Students from Canada, the USA, Indonesia, Spain, South Africa, and Kenya reflect on local businesses and the SDGs and on their collective and individual experiences of working in global teams in the Fall semester of 2023 using the Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) framework.


Amelia Naim Indrajaya; Anjali Chaudhry; Ferdinand Niyimbanira; Isabel Rodriguez-Tejedo; Mary Ragui; Romina Hosseingholizadeh; Ruben Burga; and Yang Hoong


Business innovation


Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) 2023: A global perspective of business innovations and the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Amelia Naim Indrajaya; Anjali Chaudhry; Ferdinand Niyimbanira; Isabel Rodriguez-Tejedo; Mary Ragui; Romina Hosseingholizadeh; Ruben Burga; and Yang Hoong

All of the chapters are licensed under CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial).

Chapters are copyright to the individual chapter authors unless otherwise noted.

Primary Subject
Business innovation
University of Guelph
Ruben Burga
Publication Date
January 5, 2024
Ebook ISBN