27 SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities – Bromo Mineral Resources
Olivia Farfaras; Gabriela Fontan; Manuela Iñiguez; Verrisa Salsabilla; and Cornelia Natasha

Group Reflection
This experience has afforded us the opportunity to learn many valuable lessons. As a team composed of individuals from diverse countries, the project has allowed us to forge a special bond with people from different cultures and corners of the world. Aligned with the teachings from our coursework, we have been able to enrich our understanding of various cultures and their approaches to work and task execution.
The project has facilitated the development of heightened cultural awareness and sensitivity. Collaborating with members from Canada, Indonesia, and Spain has provided us with diverse perspectives on communication styles, viewpoints, and work methodologies. It is noteworthy that the project has enhanced our ability to collaborate effectively across time zones, languages, and cultural contexts. We have come to recognize the paramount importance of clear and effective communication to adapt to different working styles.
Additionally, we have had to accommodate other individuals and their schedules, showcasing that each team member has made a concerted effort to ensure the success of our meetings and adapt to one another’s academic timetables to guarantee fruitful collaboration.
Due to the unique contributions of all group members, bringing forth distinct ideas to the project, we have been enriched socially, culturally, and environmentally. Ultimately, the project has enabled us to practically apply sustainable principles to real-world challenges, developing sustainable solutions based on the concepts learned in our coursework. The intercultural collaboration has not only contributed to the project’s success but has also fostered enduring connections among us. We aspire to maintain this connection beyond the scope of the course.
The learning in the courses we took, especially in courses related to ‘Business’, certainly supplemented and helped our teamwork in our COIL project. We were greatly helped in organizing our collaboration because, from the beginning of our learning, we were introduced directly by our professors to what ‘flourishing business’ is, the meaning of the 17 types of UN Sustainable Development Goals that we will apply in the selection of companies, and the innovation of a sustainable business that has a good impact on society. This made it easier for us to identify potential companies to interview and supplement our collaboration in the process of determining a for-profit company with innovations that match some of the UN Sustainable Goals, which we have chosen as the topic of our AIM2Flourish story.
From the beginning, the coordination and communication within our group has been great. We established a fixed day each week for our meetings, and all participants have attended each one. Collaboration has been smooth, with each member contributing significantly to our project. To organize responsibilities, specific roles were assigned to each team member. Verissa and Cornelia took on the task of conducting the interview, as the company is located in Indonesia, which was more convenient. On the other hand, Olivia handled the story, drawing from the previous interview. Given her proficiency in English, it was considered the most suitable option. Finally, Manuela and Gabriela focused on creating the poster, aiming for a visually appealing and concise design. They included a QR code leading to the company’s production process and highlighted the most relevant Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Following the assignment of tasks, we agreed on a delivery date one day before the one set in Classroom. This choice allowed each member to review the work of others, facilitating the possibility of suggesting changes, if necessary, or obtaining the team’s approval. I believe that all group members have contributed equitably. Each has brought distinctive aspects, but all have demonstrated a consistent level of motivation and commitment to the project. The effective organization of tasks and project management have been noteworthy, allowing us to maintain a consistent order and stay informed about all requirements and deadlines. By the WhatsApp group, we were constantly in contact updating the work we had done or the deadline for certain tasks. We used it also to remind each other’s the date to sign in at the AIM2FLOURISH homepage or when the time was rescheduled in certain places, to point out the new meeting time.
In our recent project, we implemented a clear communication strategy in our COIL group. One of the standout elements was our commitment to fostering a culture of open communication and collaboration. We have a schedule to meet once a week on the same day and time, making it easier for us to plan tasks ahead of time. This made it possible for us to coordinate our activities, set clear targets, and quickly resolve any issues. In our opinion, having a plan and good communication is the key to a successful group. However, one member of our group left us along the way; perhaps it was our own fault for never reaching out to him as he never participated in meetings or responded to messages in the WhatsApp group. To minimize possible problems that may occur, we also encouraged mutual support and accountability. We feel a sense of accountability was developed in our group by clearly defining expectations and keeping each other updated on each other’s progress. In addition, ensuring that everyone received support and direction when they encountered difficulties prevented anyone from feeling overburdened or abandoned.
Individual Reflections
Verrisa: I am Verrisa Salsabilla, a student from IPMI International Business School. The COIL project was my first experience in participating in a college project with international students. At first, I was quite worried about the activity, especially since I have never interacted directly or virtually with international students, but I am very grateful to have partners, Cornelia, Gabriela, Manuela, and Olivia who are very active, very helpful, and responsible in carrying out the tasks that we have shared. When working on the COIL project, I was oriented by the guidance and direction that my lecturers had given me and realized that without the guidance of the lecturers, the project results would not be satisfactory. From the COIL Project, I gained invaluable experience in the importance of teamwork amidst time differences and cultural differences. I gained knowledge of the importance of implementing UN Sustainable Development Goals innovations in a company to create a good impact on society, but unfortunately, not all companies apply the UN SDG concept in their companies. Furthermore, this COIL Project opened up opportunities for me to be able to interact and establish good relationships with international students, as well as expand my network through the COIL Project.
Cornelia: I am Cornelia Natasha. As a student of IPMI International Business School cohort 2023, I must say that this collaborative online international learning experience focused on the SDG has been an amazing experience. It was fulfilling and challenging to work virtually in international project teams. Effective communication and flexibility were essential when working across time zones. Nonetheless, it was fun to see how different skill sets and cultural viewpoints came together to work on the project. It was also good to have dependable group members. I’ve heard from a lot of people that they struggle to collaborate with their group, but fortunately my group was very responsible and amiable. I learn more about new enterprises that we were unaware of and get the chance to have practical knowledge, which makes learning about our SDGs more engaging and effortless. The work of our team’s research, brainstorming, and group activities served as an evidence to the effectiveness of digital cooperation.
Olivia: My name is Olivia Farfaras, a student from the University of Guelph. I am very happy to have been a participant of the COIL 2023 project. This project provided me with the opportunity to collaborate with like-minded students from around the world. Although time-zone differences make this project more difficult to coordinate than a traditional group project, I had attentive groupmates who actively communicated through our WhatsApp group chat. Each team member had a positive attitude and demonstrated many effective qualities such as being open minded, supportive, and committed. Given the fast- paced nature of this project, it could have been more challenging but was made easy because of my team members. Choosing which company to write our AIM2Flourish story on during the initial stage of the project exposed me to innovations and ideas that I would not have learnt about without it. I gained a better understanding of global business practices and broadened my perspective on sustainable initiatives. The COIL 2023 project has not only enriched my academic experience but also fostered lasting connections with diverse individuals.
Gabriela: I am Gabriela Fontán from the University of Navarra. I would describe this project as different and innovative compared to the usual activities we undertake at university. It represents a great opportunity to gain experience in collaborating with individuals from different countries and benefiting from their knowledge or learning from different cultures and ways of working. I consider myself fortunate to have had team members who were highly committed, motivated, and significantly dedicated to the work. Coordinating a specific schedule for meetings posed a challenge, given the time zone differences that required each of us to participate at different times but as a team, we managed to deal with it. Although we all played leadership roles in the project, each member contributed in a unique way. Initially, we faced some communication difficulties during meetings, but over time, we managed to overcome them. The progression observed from the first to the last meeting provides me with the opportunity to reflect and acknowledge that, to some extent, we have acquired new skills in this aspect as well. This project has also helped me increase my knowledge about the SDGs and how to implement them in a company. Working on “Bromo resources” was interesting because it’s innovative and different from what we normally encounter in our daily routines.
Manuela: I am Manuela Iñiguez, working on this project has been a truly enlightening experience. Collaborating with individuals from Canada and Indonesia has not only broaden my perspective, but it has also deepened my understanding of the different dynamics of working. One of the most significant aspects of this project was the cultural diversity within the team, interacting with team members from different corners of the world was great! This cultural exchange enriched our discussions and points of view, foresting an environment of creativity, innovation, and commitment. Working across different time zones was a challenge, however every team member was aware of this and made an effort to meet up every week. This experience has indeed highlighted the importance of clear communication channels, adaptability, and mutual respect in a globalized academic landscape. All the team members worked excellently, and in an equal way, we were all ready to help if something was needed and enthusiastic to learn from other team members. All in all, this has been a great experience and a great opportunity to successfully work with people from different parts of the world.