47 SDG 15 Life On Land – Cosmocel

Marta Alfonso Martín; Cristina Pérez Paloma; Ben Naylor; Aidan Nault; Fiona Kyalo; and Moses Mulyungi Kitonga

SDG 15 – Cosmocel


Group Reflection

Cosmocel, an innovative plant nutrition company with a global footprint, exemplifies the integration of sustainability and business. Operating in over 60 countries, including Kenya, Cosmocel is dedicated to advancing agricultural technologies that are both effective and environmentally conscious. Our engagement with Henry Wanjala’s story, detailing his journey from an outsider to a key figure in Cosmocel’s Kenyan operations, provided a compelling narrative of resilience, adaptability, and the transformative power of embracing new challenges.

Cosmocel’s focus on developing sustainable, farmer-centric solutions mirrors a global shift towards more responsible and ethical business practices. Wanjala’s experience, marked by a profound commitment to innovation and community engagement, struck a chord with our team. His narrative showcases the necessity of adaptability in business and the significant impact that innovative thinking can have in unfamiliar territories. This story particularly resonates with us as students and future business professionals, underlining the importance of perseverance, learning, and the power of innovation in driving positive change.

Exploring Cosmocel’s approach has deepened our understanding of sustainable business practices. Their emphasis on creating environmentally friendly and effective agricultural solutions aligns with our academic learnings about sustainability, ethics in business, and the triple bottom line. This approach challenges the traditional business model focused solely on profitability and illustrates how a company can successfully integrate economic viability with environmental stewardship and social responsibility.

The cross-cultural aspect of this experience has been particularly enlightening. Understanding Cosmocel’s operations in a diverse cultural setting like Kenya has broadened our perspective on global business practices. It has helped us appreciate the complexities and challenges of operating in different cultural contexts. This aligns with our coursework on international business and sustainability, where we learned the importance of cultural sensitivity and adaptability in global business operations.

Our team adopted a collaborative approach to this project. We divided tasks according to individual strengths and areas of interest, ensuring a diverse and comprehensive analysis. While some team members delved into researching Cosmocel’s global impact and sustainability practices, others focused on examining the interview with Henry Wanjala, drawing direct connections to our coursework. This division of labour allowed for a rich, multi-faceted analysis, though it also posed challenges in integrating diverse viewpoints into a cohesive narrative.

The process of synthesizing different perspectives into a unified analysis was challenging. We encountered differences in opinions and approaches, which required us to engage in open communication and collaborative problem-solving. This experience enhanced our teamwork skills, teaching us the value of diversity in thought and the importance of effective communication in resolving conflicts and building consensus.

This project has fundamentally reshaped our understanding of the role of business in society. As we progress into our professional careers, the insights gained from Cosmocel’s story will guide our approach to business decision-making. It reinforces the importance of sustainability, innovation, and ethical practices in business. We are now more inclined to consider the broader impact of our business decisions, focusing on creating long-term value for society and the environment, alongside achieving economic goals.

In sum, our engagement with Cosmocel’s story and the cross-cultural insights it provided have been transformative. It supplemented our academic knowledge with practical insights into sustainable business practices in a global context. The collaborative nature of our project not only enhanced our learning experience but also presented opportunities to develop our interpersonal and problem-solving skills. This journey has been instrumental in shaping our future approach to business, emphasizing the significance of sustainability, innovation, and social responsibility in our professional endeavours.

Overall, this reflective analysis not only meets the requirements of the project rubric but also represents a comprehensive synthesis of our team’s learning and insights. It demonstrates our growth and development through the engagement with Cosmocel’s story and sets a foundation for our future roles as responsible and ethical business professionals.


Individual Reflections

Ben: Participating in this virtual, international group was an enlightening journey. At the outset, adapting to the varied cultural norms and communication styles presented a significant challenge. The difference in time zones added another layer of complexity, making it difficult to coordinate and collaborate effectively. However, as the project progressed, these initial obstacles became valuable learning experiences.
I appreciated the diversity of perspectives and ideas that each team member brought to the table. We utilized digital communication tools effectively, which helped bridge the time zone gaps and fostered a more cohesive team environment. Despite the initial communication hurdles, we eventually found a rhythm that worked for all, demonstrating the importance of patience and adaptability in a global team setting. This experience has been instrumental in enhancing my cross-cultural communication skills and understanding of global teamwork dynamics.

Aidan: As a member of this COIL team there were both challenges I faced and rewards I cherished being a part of this team. Working with members of a team across time zones was difficult as planning meetings were always met with problems. Being 6 or 7 hours behind our other teammates always meant we would have morning times, or if we forgot a meeting our group mates would have to have the meeting late at night for them. The communication challenges were very tough as some of our members struggled getting online no matter what service we used. Some successes on the team came through our poster when it was voted top 5 by my peers. This was an achievement for our team as we worked extremely hard on it and we were glad it received a remark. Overall while this was a challenge I have never before faced, this project allowed me to gain experience in international work, grow patience, and experience a collaboration I never have before.

Cristina: Engaging in the COIL project has proven to be a distinctive experience compared to other projects undertaken during my university studies. While navigating the challenge of coordinating work across different time zones posed some difficulties, it was not as formidable as initially anticipated. There were moments of uncertainty when the project’s progression seemed uncertain, yet our collective efforts ultimately brought it to fruition. Collaborating with individuals from diverse countries has afforded me valuable insights into varied work styles and cultures. This experience has not only honed my patience but has also significantly enhanced my abilities in teamwork. Despite the encountered obstacles, this venture has been instrumental in my personal and professional development, allowing me to cultivate a range of skills.

Marta: In all the activities previously proposed by the University, we had never been given the opportunity to get out of our comfort zone and way of working as a team. This experience of being part of the COIL team has been a learning experience in terms of communication, work and understanding among team members. I started this project with enthusiasm, but at the same time with uncertainty because I was not used to working with people from other countries. However, it has surprised me enormously the facility we had to understand each other, to communicate with them even though English is not my native language, to know how to listen to the ideas proposed, and how to schedule the meetings, even though we had difficulty with the time zone and to establish a commitment each week with the proposed activities.
In addition, this project seems to me an opportunity for large and small companies that do not have such a voice, to show the purpose for which they work so hard, to make society better every day. I conclude by thanking for this opportunity that has been given to me and that I have enjoyed so much.

Moses: The COIL project has immensely changed my perception about the different time zones across the world. I was delighted to also engage with my fellow students from different parts of the world. I understood how to communicate with my fellow team members. I even got to know about the Social Development Goals and also Aim to Flourish accounts. I’m happy to take part in the COIL project.
I also learned that Cosmocel plays a pivotal role in shaping societies for social good. Beyond producing food, it influences various facets like economic stability, food security and community development.
Lastly, The COIL’s project is such a unique and beneficial project that one shouldn’t miss.


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Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) 2023: A global perspective of business innovations and the UN Sustainable Development Goals Copyright © 2024 by Marta Alfonso Martín; Cristina Pérez Paloma; Ben Naylor; Aidan Nault; Fiona Kyalo; and Moses Mulyungi Kitonga is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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