

You’ve now concluded the Principles of Equitable Recruitment online resource. Please reach out to Angeli Mehrotra at mehrotra@uoguelph.ca if you have any questions about the content of this resource. Now that you have completed the Principles of Equitable Recruitment online resource, you should be able to:

  1. Contextualize the goals of employment equity within your company and the hiring process;
  2. Define unconscious bias, how it manifests in individuals, and how it manifests within the hiring process;
  3. Identify strategies to minimize unconscious bias from impacting decision-making and interpersonal interactions within the search committee; and
  4. Apply an equity, diversity, and inclusion lens to the hiring process, in a methodical, deliberate step-by-step fashion.


Principles of Equitable Recruitment Copyright © 2022 by University of Guelph. All Rights Reserved.