
Step 6: Post the Job Ad

Now that you’ve completed your job ad and your hiring rubric, it’s time to post your job ad.

General Principles

  • The Hiring Manager should:
    • ensure that the advertisement is widely distributed including sites specifically targeting members of equity-deserving groups.
    • advertise the position on associated websites and other publications determined as appropriate.
  • The hiring team or Committee should:
    • Discuss ways to engage in direct outreach with equity-deserving communities.
    • Discuss discipline-specific forums, websites, publications, and other communication avenues to advertise and engage with equity-deserving candidates.
    • Commit to identifying promising candidates from equity-deserving groups, through informal and formal networking activities.

Potential Places to Advertise

  • Candidates suggest that they are most likely to review opportunities in discipline-specific journals and list-servs, and websites.
  • You may also consider:
    • Posting with post-secondary institutions to access students, new grads and alumni.
    • Posting on LinkedIn, Indeed and other job sites.
    • Professional societies and associations of designated groups.
    • Relevant industry, government, and research organizations.
    • Mentorship of promising candidates with the intention of recruiting them for future opportunities.

Job Boards Focusing on Equity-deserving Groups

This list is by no means exhaustive but provides you with the types of organizations you might consider posting with. Consider the ones (and ones you know of yourself) that are most relevant to your discipline and the diversity needs of your industry.

Remember that there is no substitute for the relationships you cultivate with equity-deserving candidates. Developing these relationships with promising individuals will greatly enhance the recruitment process and enhance the diversity of your applicant pool.




Principles of Equitable Recruitment Copyright © 2022 by University of Guelph. All Rights Reserved.