3.5: Team Teaching Panel Discussion

Nicoleta Maynard; Lisa White; Paul Hungler; Joel B. Frey; and Patricia Sheridan

Workshop Introduction

The Sustainable Engineering Leadership and Management (SELM) is about how we educate engineers today to get to where we want to be in the future.  In the middle of the last century societal goals were centered on technological achievement and engineers delivered with space missions, air travel, better life through chemistry, and the energy to supply the current standard of living. It made sense to focus on technical development to achieve historical aspirations.  Societal goals have been shifting over the last seventy years towards global sustainability concerns, diversity, and equity.  As the goals have shifted, the demands on engineers and organizations have been shifting.  How are we responding? How will we respond?


  1. Create opportunities for sharing and discussion of SELM within the SIG membership
  2. Facilitate a community that allows SELM members to expand their networks nationally and international as it relates to SELM (e.g. to NICKEL, CEEA, ASEE, LEAD
  3. Provide resources to engineering educators to enhance the development of SELM skills in engineering students.
  4. Establish a forum for best practices in SELM education
  5. Disseminate knowledge on SELM efforts in engineering education
  6. Encourage efforts to improve design, implementation, and assessment of SELM; and
  7. Enhance the status of SELM teaching and learning in institutions of higher education
  8. Provide professional development opportunities for CEEA-ACEG membership and engineering educators.

Panel of Presenters:

Nicoleta Maynard

  • Experience: 6 years industry  + 18 years teaching
  • PhD – The University of Queensland
  • Curtin University Australia 2004-2019
  • 2016 – sabbatical at Queen’s University & Calgary University
  • Monash University Australia
    • Associate Professor in Chemical and Biological Engineering
    • Director of Engineering Education for the Faculty of Engineering
    • Leader of the T.E.A.M. Capability Lab
      • aims to create a teaching and research framework for development of effective team membership and leadership across the engineering curriculum

Lisa White, Ph.D, P.Eng.

  • Industrial Professor, School of Engineering Safety and Risk Management, Faculty of Engineering, University of Alberta
  • With the U of A since 2017

Paul Hungler, Maj (Ret’d), Ph.D, P.Eng.

  • Assistant Professor at Queen’s University Ingenuity Labs

Joel B. Frey, Ph.D, P.Eng.

  • Assistant Professor at Ron and Jane Graham School of Professional Development
  • Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Saskatchewan

Patricia Sheridan

  • Institute for Studies in Transdisciplinary Engineering Education and Practice at the University of Toronto


This seminar consisted of a Q&A panel held on 28/10/2021 by the panelists mentioned above. Each panelist discussed their personal experiences with teaching various aspects of engineering in their respective institutions, and the lessons they learned along the way due to the changeover to an online or mixed format. After all of the presentations and Q&A sessions, suggestions for future talks and collaborations were discussed, and plans were made for the next meeting.

The link to a consolidated PowerPoint containing information about each panelist can be found by clicking the link below, which will take you to a google drive folder.


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Canadian Engineering Education Association Sustainable Engineering Leadership and Management Special Interest Group Copyright © by Nicoleta Maynard; Lisa White; Paul Hungler; Joel B. Frey; and Patricia Sheridan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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