Obtaining an Effective Large Animal History

Avian History  6 per page BW – Talking Slides Handout (PDF)

Glossary of Dairy Terms (PDF)

Note for the above glossary: This glossary teaches you the common terms used in the dairy industry – terms that often come up when obtaining a patient history from an owner. It is important to be able to understand what the owner is saying… so becoming conversant in layman’s terms is a key step towards obtaining an accurate and effective patient history in cattle.  (As such, these terms are prescribed material to learn in this course and will be examined in future quizzes and on the final OSCE!)

Glossary of Equine Terms (PDF)

Note for the above glossary: This glossary teaches you the common terms used in the equine industry – terms that often come up when obtaining a patient history from an owner, barn manager, groom… (These terms are also prescribed material to learn in this course and will be examined in future quizzes and on the final OSCE!)


Clinical Medicine 1 Lab Manual: Large Animal Copyright © by Ali Versluis. All Rights Reserved.

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