20 Video: Structuring Courselink
Join CBS’ own Lisa Robertson as she outlines a sound structuring for your Courselink Courses, with a foundation in Universal Design
Video Indexing: Jump directly to the point in the video given your interest in the topics below:
Universal Design: Lisa provides a nice succinct outline of UDL and how it can help you structure your courselink site
Things to think about when structuring your Courselink site
How to access templates (self-registration)
How to use Announcements to connect with and motivate students
Widgets (Task checklists, etc)
NavBar: helpful things to include
Import from previous course offering or template
Organization of Content and set release dates and conditions
TA discussion board (hidden to students) to help with efficient grading
Zoom integration with Courselink
Question about Zoom: linking to your zoom account
Sending course reminders linked to content (with intelligent agents)