Book Title: Community-Engaged Systems Analysis & Software Design

Subtitle: 3rd Edition

Authors: Daniel Gillis and Nicolas Durish

Cover image for Community-Engaged Systems Analysis & Software Design
All Rights Reserved


Book Information

Book Description

This textbook has been designed as a supplementary resource for Systems Analysis & Design in Applications. It is not and should not be considered a static document, nor your only resource for mastering the topics covered in Systems Analysis & Design In Application. The information contained in this document assumes that you are a senior undergraduate student studying either Computer Science or Software Engineering. The manual has been drafted to be an active part of your education. It should not be left to collect dust on the shelf. Instead, it should be used each week to learn about topics before they are presented in class. Additionally, it should be used to reinforce and clarify classroom discussions.

For best results, it is recommended that you consider each and every activity that is provided in this document. Not all of these activities are for grades, but they will help you better understand the topics that are presented.


Daniel Gillis and Nicolas Durish


Community-Engaged Systems Analysis & Software Design Copyright © 2024 by Daniel Gillis and Nicolas Durish. All Rights Reserved.


Software Engineering


Community-Engaged Systems Analysis & Software Design
Daniel Gillis and Nicolas Durish
Daniel Gillis and Lillian Shi
Shoshanah Jacobs
Primary Subject
Software Engineering
University of Guelph
Publication Date
August 1, 2024