
External Genitalia / Genital Tract


The external vulva is examined for discharge, swelling or redness. The mucous membranes of the vulva may be used to assess mm color, especially if the mucous membranes of the mouth are pigmented.



The prepuce is examined for discharge around the external orifice. The prepuce can be retracted to examine the penis.

The scrotum is palpated to examine the testicles. Both testicles should be descended and symmetrical (masses, inflammation, atrophy and hernias can cause asymmetry).  The epididymis is not routinely palpated.

Further Details: Cats

In male cats, testicles might not remain in the scrotum of the kitten until approximately 6 months of age.Penile spines are present in male cats with a testosterone source (intact male cats, retained testicle), and disappear within 6 weeks of castration.

Sexing cats: males have a larger distance between anus and urogenital opening compared to females (about 1 cm in male kittens, 2 cm in adult male cats).