Ice Cream Flavours
24 Fruit Ice Cream
Fruit for Ice Cream is available in the following forms:
- Fresh Fruit
- Raw Frozen Fruit
- Open Kettle Processed Fruit
- Aseptically Processed Fruit
Advantages of processed fruits:
- Purchasing year round supply: problems of procurement and storage transferred to fruit processor
- Availability: blending of sources from around the world in RTU form, no thawing, straining, etc.
- Quality control: processor adjusts for quality variations
- Ice Cream quality: fruit won’t freeze in ice cream, usually free of debris, straw, pits.
- Microbial Safety
- Convenience
Fruit feeders are used with continuous freezers to add the fruit pieces, while any fruit juice is added directly to the mix. Fruit is usually added at about 15-25% by weight.