
List of Tables

Table 3.1. Some properties of cheese categorized according to type of coagulation, and procedures for moisture and acidity control. Plus signs and column three indicate relative amounts

Table 3.2. Typical composition (% by weight) of some cheese varieties.

Table 6.1: Culture Activity Test. pH of test media versus time.

Table 8.1. List of Standards for Dairy Products. Fluid cow’s milk products, except creams, shall have a freezing point of -0.508°C or lower.

Table 8.2. Microbiological Limits for Dairy-Cheese, Hard. Ex. Parmesan, aw<0.95 and pH<5.6. All cheeses are made with pasteurized milk.

Table 8.3. Microbiological Limits for Dairy-Cheese, Soft, Semi-Soft, Surface-Ripened. Ex. Brie, Fresh Mozzarella, aw>0.95 and pH>5.4. All cheeses are made with pasteurized milk.

Table 9.1. Typical gross composition (Kg/100 Kg) of cow, dairy sheep, water buffalo, and goat milk

Table 9.2 The principal caseins and some properties of importance to cheese making

Table 9.3. The principal whey proteins and some properties of importance to cheese making

Table 9.4: Typical fat and protein contents (Kg/100 Kg) for the milk of several breeds of dairy cows

Table 9.5: Biomarkers for grass fed milk among Ontario herds. Herd samples gathered over a period of 12 months

Table 11.1: Cheese varieties with some characteristics, composition, and suggested ratio of protein/fat in standardized milk. Fat and moisture levels for most varieties correspond to definitions given in Canadian regulation

Table 12.1: Some mesophilic lactic acid bacteria commonly used in cheese making

Table 12.2: Some thermophilic lactic acid bacteria commonly used in cheese making

Table 15.1. pH versus time profiles for several cheese varieties

Table 16.1: Glossary of Terms for Judging Cheese

Table 16.2 Glossary of Terminology for Aesthetic Cheese Judging at the 2018 Cheese Awards

Table 17.1: Distribution of milk components between cheese and whey during cheese making. Expected yield is about 10% of milk weight

Table 20.1: Examples showing high, medium, and low levels of Cheddar moisture control

Table 20.2: Variation of composition in 290 Kg blocks of stirred curd Cheddar cheese. Samples were taken from 6 positions in stainless steel hoops after holding at 5ºC for 7 days after pressing

Table 21.1: Some factors that affect survival and growth of pathogenic organisms

Table 21.2: Some properties of some pathogens associated with cheese

Table 21.3: Health Canada Policy on Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat foods: maximum pH and Aw for classification as lower risk RTE foods

Table 21.4: Hurdles to growth and survival of pathogenic bacteria in cheese making

Table 24.1: Ultra filtration of whole milk: typical composition of concentrate and permeate. System: polysulfone membrane in tubular configuration), small pilot plant, batch operation at operation at 50°C

Table 33.1: Example of Process Cheese Composition Control


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